Repairing your well loved Beeswax Wraps

Tips for restoring your beeswax wraps

Looking for a fun and easy way to be productive on your afternoon at home?

Well, it might be time to pull out your favourite beeswax wraps and give them the little extra tender loving care they deserve. They’re the ones with the funky pattern that you fell in love with as soon as you saw them, or the one that was given to you by your best mate for your housewarming, or the one you stole from your aunty at bad Santa last Christmas.

Your Beeswax Wraps are more than just food wraps, they are reusable items we keep close every day that say something about you. That you are making a difference towards reducing single-use plastic!

Depending on how much ‘love’ your wrap has had in the last 6 months will determine whether or not it’s in need of repair. Look for deep cracks, exposed fabric or crumbing wax. There is a good chance that despite the wear and tear, your wrap is still working fine.

Look for the wraps that leave larger residue stuck to bowls, or wax that feels dry and ready to fall off.

Now that you have you ready to be repaired wraps, it’s time to get some tools for the job:

  • Clothes washing pegs
  • A thin piece of bamboo/stick or string
  • Hairdryer (or heat gun)
  • Food tongs

Now, let’s go:

1. Find something like a thin piece of bamboo/stick or string that you can easily peg and hang your beeswax wrap onto from two corners.

2. Hold the beeswax wrap with the food tongs from a bottom corner and at a distance of about 15 to 30 cm depending on the heat output of your device. If you are using a hair dryer you will likely need to use the highest setting. For a heat gun, start on the lower setting. Begin applying hot air evenly around the wrap. Gradually move closer with the same motion covering all parts of the wrap until you see the wax slowly starting to melt.

3. Continue spreading the hot air around the surface of the entire wrap, distributing the melted wax over the areas in need of repair. You can use a spatula, warm butter knife or brush to help move the wax mixture across the surface of your wrap if needed. It is easier just to shake it evenly, and pat firmly together with your hands once the wax is cool enough to not come off on your skin.

4. Once your wrap cool down, rotate, and repeat the process until satisfied. be sure to unravel the edges and run the heat in the corners as well.

**At any stage if you can see the wax is melting too fast or the heat is causing damage to your wrap simply pull the hot air source back, let the wrap cool down for about 15 seconds and then keep going from a slightly greater distance.

Even some of the oldest and the most well-used wraps have been revived back to great condition with this technique giving them a second and even third life!

We recommend repairing your wraps as you see fit, depending on how much you use them and the condition of your wrap.

If only all of our everyday items were so easy give a second, third or even fourth life!

Good luck, and don’t forget to tag and share some pics of your restoration project on our social media platforms.

In the Garden!

Growing delicious veggies with your spare times

Have you found yourself arriving at your local market just as you watch the last bag of salad mix or baby spinach you had your eyes on the fly off the shelf?

Luckily, there’s no need to rely on anyone but yourself when it comes to providing your kitchen with a year-round, healthy supply of fresh, crisp salad leaves!

Salad greens are rewarding and easy to grow. The tiny seeds can be sown directly into pots on balconies, or directly into the soil of outdoor garden beds. After the seedling stage, they grow quickly and leaves can be harvested often, giving you multiple fresh salads per week and plenty left over for your wraps and sandwiches.

As well as the different lettuce varieties we’re used to, try adding some variety to your garden by planting some other edibles which bees will love like Borage and Nusturtium. If you enjoy a bit of heat on your pallet, plant some cress, or radish. If you have a real eye for plants than you might like to learn how to identify some weeds like chickweed, dandelion and purslane which are easily found and contribute even more flavour and health benefits to your plate.

5 tips for delicious salad all year round:

1. Plant as many different varieties as you can with your available space to add some diversity to your salad mix. Eat the rainbow!

2. Pick regularly to enjoy the leaves when they are freshest, and to make sure nothing else eats them first!

3. Salad leaves have shallow roots so it’s important to keep your topsoil moist and apply a mulch layer to retain moisture. Water often.

4. Check which plants will suit your climate before buying seeds. Our friends at Easy Come Easy Grow have a monthly seed posting service to take the headache out of knowing what to plant and when.

5. Learn how to forage for extra goodies to put in your salad.

Remember salad mix can last up to 2 weeks in your Beeswax Wrap when folded into a bag and placed on the bottom shelf of the fridge!

Good luck and happy gardening!

Rob Holley

A Message From Josh, The Founder

Winter is here and Beeswax Wraps Australia is ready for stage thrive!

In the blink of an eye, and with hindsight 20/20, our brave new world presses on.

A journey of chaos to stillness, and answers that led to more questions, it’s fair to say that confusion has been more than rife as we stumble into this unforgettable new decade.

As a small business aspiring to change the world for the better, where do we fit into it all aside from the simplicity of sustainable solutions to plastic wrap? Where do any of us fit in? How do we continue to pull each other up, when contact is suddenly off-limits according to the rule-makers, and how do we harness this magical moment to create a better future than whatever came before?

At some point during this crazy experience, it is our great hope that our collective minds have found their individual moments to reflect and question how we will emerge from all of this with greater awareness and motivation for positive change in our community and in our world. The potential for growth has been thrust upon each of us like a healthy pruning and shifting for a spectacular elevation of consciousness and new life. As uncomfortable as things may seem through times like these, we should align our mental energies to look towards the fruits we can now more easily create from all of this, as this will be a key to thriving into the future.

As we begin to make our way back to our local farmers’ markets in the coming weeks, we want you to know how grateful we are for each of you, and that we look forward to our new world together. Let’s make it a beautiful one full of gratitude and compassion, light, truth and love.

Your effort and passion for a sustainable future not only inspires us, but it is our reason for being here.

Blessings to all, and we’re excited to see you again soon!

Joshua Beck, Creative Director

Beeswax Wraps Australia