Buy a metre, Save a metre of the Daintree Rainforest

Our Mindful Consumption Initiative

As we approach this holiday season and try to shop with more awareness, we wanted to find another way to give back to our precious planet earth.

While we know there are deals to be made and bargains to be had wherever you turn, we thought we could do better.

We’re super excited to announce that Beeswax Wraps Australia has teamed up with to buy and protect endangered land in the Daintree Rainforest, and return the land and title to the traditional owners, the Kuku Yalanji.

1 square metre of land connected to the Daintree Rain Forest will be preserved, with every metre of Beeswax Wrap purchased.

Imagine the difference we can make when we work together. The Daintree rainforest, one of the best biologically diverse rainforests in the world right here in Australia.

Last year we had the pleasure of meeting Jimmy of His social movement engages people of all cultures, ages and sexes to raise awareness and raise funds for forest conservation & regeneration. They are doing this because over 50% of the world’s forests are destroyed. 

Here is there Mission!

Mission: The goal of HalfCut is to be the face of the environmental movement. By encouraging women, men and children to wear their HalfCut look to help save the last remaining 50% forests globally and start the regeneration of what we have lost. HalfCut aims to protect crucial forests for habitat for threatened and endangered species, protect Traditional Owners land titles, start mass tree planting projects and ultimately be part of the solution to the growing climate emergency, ensuring a safe future for all species on Earth. 

We really love the HalfCut project for the many noble works they are achieving around the world, but I believe they truly won our hearts when we discovered they created a campaign to buy back endangered land in the Daintree, and then return the title to the Traditional owners, the Kuku Yalanji. Bravo!

We are so happy to participate and are excited to share this great cause with all of our beautiful customers and supporters.

Thank you for being amazing!