A Message From Josh, The Founder

Winter is here and Beeswax Wraps Australia is ready for stage thrive!

In the blink of an eye, and with hindsight 20/20, our brave new world presses on.

A journey of chaos to stillness, and answers that led to more questions, it’s fair to say that confusion has been more than rife as we stumble into this unforgettable new decade.

As a small business aspiring to change the world for the better, where do we fit into it all aside from the simplicity of sustainable solutions to plastic wrap? Where do any of us fit in? How do we continue to pull each other up, when contact is suddenly off-limits according to the rule-makers, and how do we harness this magical moment to create a better future than whatever came before?

At some point during this crazy experience, it is our great hope that our collective minds have found their individual moments to reflect and question how we will emerge from all of this with greater awareness and motivation for positive change in our community and in our world. The potential for growth has been thrust upon each of us like a healthy pruning and shifting for a spectacular elevation of consciousness and new life. As uncomfortable as things may seem through times like these, we should align our mental energies to look towards the fruits we can now more easily create from all of this, as this will be a key to thriving into the future.

As we begin to make our way back to our local farmers’ markets in the coming weeks, we want you to know how grateful we are for each of you, and that we look forward to our new world together. Let’s make it a beautiful one full of gratitude and compassion, light, truth and love.

Your effort and passion for a sustainable future not only inspires us, but it is our reason for being here.

Blessings to all, and we’re excited to see you again soon!

Joshua Beck, Creative Director

Beeswax Wraps Australia